Yani Julian

Engineer | Student | Hacker


Pong A.I

Developed an A.I to play pong. The A.I was implemented using q-learning, a reinforcment learning algorithm. The A.I was trained to play two versions of Pong, against an opponent and against itself (solo mode). The A.I randomly choses an action (up, down, nothing) and is rewarded based on the outcome (win, loss, bounce). The A.I then remembers this to make future decisions.

This A.I was trained on one million training games which achieves over a 50% win rate against an opponent and has an average over ten bounces in solo mode with up to over 70 bounces in a single match.

Screenshot of A.I playing pong in solo mode.
A.I playing pong in solo mode.

3D Flight Simlator

Created a 3D flight simluator using WebGL and glMatrix. The terrain is randomly generated and each vertex is colored in the vertex shader based on the vertex height. There are four different intervals of vertice height to color them either white, brown, green or blue. The terrain is generated from a flat plane which is then randomly split at different points to increase/decrease the vertice height. The plane controls are able to pitch and roll along with increasing/decreasing the plane speed.

Screenshot 3D flight simulator
Gameplay of 3D flight simulator.


My goal is to make an impact in our globalized community through education of technology. Technology is deeply integrated in billions around the world. I believe it's essential that we understand how technology affects our life and the ability to utilize technology to promote the general welfare of our expanding globalized community.

I am a computer science student at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I will be graduating in Decemeber 2019. As such, I am looking for the next step in my career that promotes learning and making new things without the fear of failure. My dream is to join a team to make a massive impact in our community.

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